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    “tell me quickly, how did you do it?(快告诉我,你是怎么做到的?)”风衣男子激动地道。

    “Young master, do you want to learn? this is a trade secret.(公子,你想学吗?这可是商业秘密。)”格雷格自豪地道。

    “trade secrets? e on, how much do you want to teach me?(商业秘密?说吧,多少钱你才肯教我?)”风衣男子道。

    “do you want to learn? If you want to learn, I can teach you for free, but I have one condition.(你想学啊?你想学我可以免费教你,但我有一个条件。)”格雷格道。

    “what conditions?(什么条件?)”风衣男子道。

    “I want to meet your father and also hope that the young master will introduce me.(我想见你父亲,还希望公子代为引见。)”格雷格微笑道。

    “originally, you played so many tricks to meet my father. my father is not an ordinary person, not someone who wants to see him.(原来你玩了那么多花样是为了见我父亲,我父亲可不是一般人,不是谁想见就能见的。)”风衣男子道。

    “So what can I do to meet your father?(那我要怎么做才能见到你的父亲呢?)”格雷格道。

    “my father is very busy and doesn't have time to meet small characters like you. You guys should go back!(我父亲很忙的,没有时间见你们这种小角色,你们还是请回吧!)”风衣男子冷冷地道。

    “Young master, there is a very difficult matter that only your father can solve at the moment, so please take me to meet him.(公子,眼下有一件非常棘手的事只有你的父亲出面才能解决,所以还请公子领我去见一见他。)”格雷格诚恳地道。

    “my father once said, he doesn't see anyone, he has his own business to be busy with, and doesn't have so much time to meet so many boring people!(我父亲说过,他谁都不见,他有他自己的事情要忙,没那么多时间见那么多无聊的人!)”风衣男子道。

    “Young master, in fact, we came to see your father today on behalf of someone else. Even your father may be afraid to reveal the identity of that person.(公子,其实今天我们来找你父亲是受人之托,那人的身份说出来只怕连你父亲也会忌惮三分。)”格雷格道。

    “what a big breath! quick talk, who is that person? I want to see who can make my father scared.(好大的口气!快说说,那人是谁?我倒要看看是什么人能让我的父亲都害怕。)”风衣男子不服气地道。

    “before ing, the person specifically explained that his identity cannot be revealed casually, only your father can be told alone.(来之前那人专门交代过,他的身份不可以随便透露,只能告诉你父亲一个人。)”格雷格道。

    “humph, be mystifying!(哼,故弄玄虚!)”风衣男子不屑地道。

    “please don't blame me, young master. It's not that I'm trying to deceive you. Since I promised not to reveal his identity to others, I must do so.(请公子莫怪,并非我故弄玄虚,既然答应过不会向外透露他的身份,那么我就必须要做到。)”格雷格道。

    “Since you don't say it, then I'll take it as if it never happened and let's go!(既然你不说,那我就当这件事从来都没发生过,我们走!)”说着,风衣男子招呼自己身边的人跟他一起离开。

    “Young master, since you refuse to take me to see your father, I can only use my own methods. Young master, I have offended you!(公子,既然你不肯带我去见你父亲,那么我就只能用自己的方法了。公子,得罪了!)”说着,格雷格突然欺身上前一把勒住了风衣男子的双臂。

    “what are you doing? Are you crazy? my father won't let you go!(你要干什么?你疯了吗?我父亲不会放过你的!)”大惊失色的风衣男子狂叫道。

    “don't worry, young master. I won't hurt you. I just want to see your father!(公子放心,我是不会伤害你的,我这么做只是想见到你的父亲!)”说着,格雷格挟持着风衣男子向外面走去。


    “Get out of here! You're crazy, your young master's life is still in their hands. Are you trying to kill your young master?(快闪开!你们疯了,你们家公子的命还在人家的手里呢,你们是不是想害死你们家公子啊?)”就在这时,马克思从一旁跑出来道。


    “If you want to save your young master, ask your master to make this call!(要想救你们家公子,让你们家主人打这个电话!)”挟持着风衣男子退出去之后,格雷格抛出了一张写着他电话号码的纸条道。



    马克亚当斯知道此事后大发雷霆:“bastard, he dares to kidnap my son, he's really tired of living!(混蛋,他竟敢绑架我的儿子,真是活腻了!)”

    “boss, he said if you want to save the young master, please call this number above.(老板,他说如果想救公子就请你打上面这个号码。)”说着,手下的人将格雷格留下的那张纸条递了过去。

    “there's no need, immediately have someone find and do him!!(没有必要,马上叫人找到并做了他!!)”马克亚当斯高声叫道。

    “but in this way, the young master is in danger. I think that person is a madman, and I'm afraid he will really do something unfavo... -->>


